May 21, 2023
Semcorp €340M Li
China-based Semcorp said that its €340-million Li-ion battery separator factory
China-based Semcorp said that its €340-million Li-ion battery separator factory in Hungary will start operations within the year. The company's goal is to raise its global market share to 50% by 2025.
The 97,000 m2 plant will increase the company's annual film production capacity by approximately 12%.
SEMCORP is one of the world's leading companies in the development and manufacture of lithium-ion battery separator film products. In China, the group has six factories with a total annual base film production capacity of 3.5 billion m2, which are mainly used in electric and hybrid car batteries as well as consumer electronics goods. Its customers include LG, Panasonic, Samsung, BYD, and SK Innovation.
The plant in Debrecen, Hungary will be the first Semcorp factory outside China.
Posted on 29 May 2023 in Brief | Permalink | Comments (0)